Gifting Prints
Not sure what to gift to your loved ones? I hope this will help make the process much easier and stress-free. I’m confident that you’ll find the perfect gift below!
Make your decision in this order:
Decide what you would like to gift: something for the wall or a gift item
If you’re looking to gift a beautiful print, decide which print matches their home and personality best
Set your budget for the gift
Decide if you prefer to gift a canvas or paper print (paper print would need to be framed by them or you)
Below you will find the most popular prints categorized by type:
For your Champagne Fanatic:
For your New Orleanian:
For your Louisiana Lover:
For your Beach Bum:
For your Sports Fan:
For couples:
If you’re not sure how much space the gift recipient has on the wall, you can shop gift items here:
Carnival Queen XL Blanket
Classy Krewe Ornament
I hope that helps!
If none of these prints are quite right, there are plenty of more options here: